Navy Fighter Weapons School - "TOP GUN" |
Point of Contact = Squadron Duty Officer (SDO).
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PeeWee's wingman gunning a Viper at sunset. Photo taken 1998 by Chris Herman.![]() |
Patch NFWS and TOP GUN |
Sources David Weber John Chesire |
Handle TOP GUN Heritage ABOUT TOP GUN: Sometimes confused with the VF-126 Fighting Seahawks / Bandits. NFWS (TOP GUN) and VF-126 are two different entities. The Naval Fighter Weapons School (TOP GUN) was originally established as a "school" within VF-121, an F-4 Phantom Replacement Air Group (RAG) at NAS Miramar. NFWS was tasked with providing graduate level Air Combat Maneuvering (ACM) training and utilized VF-126 A-4 assests for the aggressor role. The first class started 03 MAR 1969. July 1972: NFWS was given full squadron status as the Naval Fighter Weapons School. NFWS handled the graduate courses for Navy pilots, while VF-126 continued as the "day to day" adversary unit, supporting the F-4's and F-14's at Miramar. 03 MAR 1969: VF-121, a F-4 RAG unit starts first NFWS class. JAN 1972: NFWS becomes a separate detachment of VF-126. 07 JUL 1972: NFWS awarded status as a separate squadron. 1996: NFWS is integrated into the NSAWC (Naval Strike and Air Warfare Center) at NAS Fallon. |
Home Ports 1969: NAS Miramar 1996: NAS Fallon (Naval Strike and Air Warfare Center) |
Air Wings 1961: VF-121 is Tail Code NJ |
Aircraft Date Type First Received - - - - - - Type of Aircraft: 1969: - - - - - - - McDonnell Douglas F-4 Phantom II. (VF-121) 1969: - - - - - - - USAF T-38 Talons 22 May 1972 - - - - Douglas A-4E* Skyhawk. 2 March 1976: - - - Douglas A-4F* Skyhawk. 30 October 1976 - - Douglas TA-4F Skyhawk. 15 July 1992: - - - Douglas TA-4J Skyhawk. 27 March 1992 - - - Douglas A-4M Skyhawk. 1987 to 1994: - - - USAF F-16N (stripped down F-16) 1974: - - - - - - - Northrop F-5E and F-5F. 199?-OCT 2003 - - - Grumman F-14 Tom Cat. 199?: - - - - - - - McDonnell Douglas F/A-18 Hornet. 2002: - - - - - - - F-16A and F-16B *Modified to "Mongoose" configuration. For A-4 Skyhawk aircraft assigned to this unit see lower in this page: |
Deployments None |
Commanding Officers JAN 1972: CDR Roger Box (OINC) |
Awards No info yet |
Events DEC 1960: VF-121 receives F-4A Phantom II for training fleet replacement pilots. Original these Phantoms was designated F4H-1, then F4H-1F, and finally the F-4A. 1961: VF-121 receives the F-4B Phantom II. 03 MAR 1969: VF-121, the existing F-4 RAG (Replacement Air Group) stationed at NAS Mirmar begins to instruct pilots in Dissimiliar Air Combat Maneuvering. Initial aircraft included the A-4 Skyhawk to replicate the MiG-17 and borrowed T-38 Talons to replicate the MiG-21. Later the F-5 replaced the T-38. February 17, 1976: Lt. Michael Garland, 31, ejected safely after a mid-air collision 40 miles east of Yuma between his NAS Miramar based A-4 Skyhawk (BuNo 150009) and VMFA-251 F-4J Phantom DW-13 from MCAS Beaufort. The aircraft were involved in ACM exercises in an authorized training area. The Phantoms RIO, Capt. Lamar S. Strickland, 27, ejected safely and the pilot, Capt. George C. Ladd, 29, was killed. Garland and Strickland were retrieved by the MCAS Yuma helicopter. Yuma Sun, Wednesday, February 18, 1976. The Stars and Stripes, February 19, 1976. March 27, 1978: Lt. Evan Martin Chanik, 26, ejected safely when his NAS Miramar based A-4 Skyhawk (BuNo 152010) crashed into the Pacific Ocean about 80 kilometers west of San Diego near San Clemente Island at about 1:30 p.m. The pilot was rescued by a Coast Guard helicopter. Winnipeg Free Press, Tuesday, March 28, 1978, and The Stars and Stripes, Thursday, 30 March, 1978. 197x - 8x: F-14 Tomcats and F/A-18 Hornets become the primary fleet aircraft, but NWFS Instructors retain the A-4s and F-5s. The USAF F-16 is added to simulate the MiG-29 and Su-27. The F-16s were ultimately grounded due to flight related stress cracks. January 13, 1983: Cdr. Jay Campbell, 37, of Arcadia, CA, assigned to NFWS Miramar ejected safely from his A-4E Skyhawk (BuNo 149969) when it crashed about 1 pm Thursday during a routine training mission over a restricted range target area near MCAS Yuma (115 miles east of NAS Miramar). Arizona Republic, Friday, 14 January 1983. NFWS A-4E BuNo 149969 was destroyed at Yuma when aircraft crashed following catastrophic engine failure, 13 January 1983. Pilot ejected. Naval Safety Center via Jim Winchester. December 1, 1989: LCdr. Stanley R. O'Connor, 37, Top Gun flight instructor, was approaching Miramar after a routine flight when he radioed the air traffic control tower that the single-seat attack jet was losing power and ejected safely before his A-4 Skyhawk (BuNo 152101) crashed shortly after 10 a.m. six miles east of NAS Miramar on Thursday. LA Times, December 01, 1989. NFWS NA-4F BuNo 152101 was destroyed at Miramar after PMCF aircraft problems forced pilot to eject. 30 November 1989. 0 fatalities. Naval Safety Center via Jim Winchester. The pilot of a NA-4F launched on a post maintenance check flight. He was at 1,600 feet and 420 knots when he retarded the throttle from near military rpm. Power didn't change, however, and rpm remained at 97%. The pilot returned the throttle lever to the previous position and again attempted to reduce rpm by easing the throttle back. This time the engine responded normally. Realizing he had a problem he set rpm at 80% and requested a visual straight in approach to the field he had just taken off from. A minute late the pilot moved the throttle slightly to check throttle response but the powerplant didn't respond. (no APC on this aircraft.) The pilot decided to hold briefly nine miles from the field and assess the situation. He reviewed NATOPS stuck-throttle procedures and began the approach. As he turned onto the final heading the engine flamed out. The pilot ejected successfully and was rescued. The aircraft was destroyed. Pettibone, January-February 1991. 199x: Instruction now includes air-to-ground strike, and the A-4s and F-5s are retired in favor of F-14 and F/A-18 aircraft. October 28, 1992: unknown pilot (P.M. Cooke) ejected safely when his A-4M Skyhawk (BuNo 160034) crashed on the Barry Goldwater Air Force Range about 1 p.m. about 45 miles NE of Yuma. The aircraft on a routine training mission from NAS Miramar. The pilot was taken to MCAS Yuma by helicopter. Arizona Daily Star, Thursday, October 29, 1992. NFWS A-4M BuNo 160034 was destroyed at Yuma when aircraft crashed in military ops area. 28 October 1992. Pilot ejected. 0 fatalities. Naval Safety Center via Jim Winchester. 1996: Due to the transfer of NAS Miramar to the Marines, NFWS moves to NAS Fallon and is integrated into the NSAWC (Naval Strike and Air Warfare Center). This consolidation includes NFWS, the Naval Strike Warfare Center and the Carrier Airborne Eary Warning Weapons School. |
Unit Photos OCT70: BuNo 149656, #2, parked on the ramp in a tan/brown/green camouflage scheme Oct. 1970. Gary Verver Collection. 24 Oct 1970 TOP GUN Skyhawk BuNo 149990, #4, parked on the ramp. Gary Verver Collection. TOP GUN Skyhawk BuNo 149990, #4, and BuNo 150090 as #5 in-flight. Provided by Pawel Mankowski. Early 70s?: TOP GUN/Fighter Weapons School Aggressor A-4E Skyhawks BuNo 149656 (#2) and BuNo 149990 (#4). Don't have a date for the photo, but looks early 70's. Early 70s: Left side view of Top Gun Aggressor Skyhawk BuNo 149656, #2, assigned to LCdr. Jerry "Ski" Sawatzky parked on the ramp at an open house next to VF-126 TA-4F BuNo 154634, NJ-601. P/C is AN D.R. Partsch. Gary Verver Collection. Early 70s: TOP GUN Skyhawk BuNo 149964, #1, parked on the ramp, NAS Miramar perhaps, early 70s. Below the canopy rail is LCdr. Mugs M. Keown and below that Bullet. P/C is AN T.J. __rt. Gary Verver Collection. AUG71: BuNo.149990, 4. Aug 1971. Gary Verver Collection. JUL72 to OCT73: TOP GUN Skyhawk BuNo 149971 , #3, assigned to LT Gary "Spieder" Cadwell parked on the ramp. P/C is AN G.E. Otto. Unknown Photographer via W. Mutza. OCT72: TOP GUN Skyhawk BuNo 149656, #2, assigned to LCDR Jerry "Ski" Sawatzky parked on the ramp. Photo by T.R. Waddington, Gary Verver Collection. 1972: BuNo 150082, NFWS A-4E on the flight-line. Gary Verver Collection. MARINE A-4E SKYHAWK BuNo. 150023 WITH NFWS NFWS A-4E SKYHAWK BuNo.150073, NWFS A-4E side number 31, bears an adversary camouflage scheme of alternating bands of dark green and desert sand. Picture from Harry S. Gann. 14 Oct 1973: TOP GUN Skyhawk BuNo 149971, #633, assigned to LT Gary Crowell parked on the ramp. Gary Verver Collection. 19 MAY 1974: OCT74: BuNo 150009, #24, parked on the ramp in a brown/tan/green camouflage scheme Oct. 1974. Gary Verver Collection. 1974: BuNo 149656, NFWS 21, A-4E parked with tailhook getting help from a strap. Gary Verver Collection. BuNo 149656, NFWS #54, A-4E parked. Gary Verver Collection. BuNo 149656, NFWS #54, A-4E parked. Gary Verver TOP GUN Skyhawk BuNo 150009, #24, assigned to CAPT Richard parked on the ramp painted in a tan/brown/green camouflage scheme. W. Munzenmaier. 05 OCT 1974: TOP GUN Skyhawk BuNo 150009, #24, assigned to CAPT Reitsch parked on the ramp and painted in a tan/brown/green camouflage scheme. Dave Steinbacker. 01 MAY 1975: Top Gun A-4E BuNo 149656, NFWS-21, 01 MAY 1975 at NAS Miramar. 05 Oct 1975 TOP GUN Skyhawk BuNo 150009, #24, assigned to CAPT Richard parked on the ramp. G. Verver Collection. 1975: BuNo 150023, NFWS 556, A-4E in Marine Camo. Gary Verver. Date unknown: BuNo 150023, NFWS 556, A-4E in Marine blue camo. Gary Verver. Circa 1975: Navy Fighter Weapons School A-4E Skyhawk BuNo 152010, #22, NAS Miramar. G. Verver Collection. Circa 1975: Navy Fighter Weapons School A-4E Skyhawk BuNo 152010, #55, NAS Miramar. G. Verver Collection. JUN 1976: Top Gun LT "Thunder" Taylor's A-4E Skyhawk BuNo 152010 , 555, in a three-color blue camouflage scheme at Cannon AFB, NM. 1974-1988: NFWS 56, BuNo 150023, on the ramp. Pic1; Pic2; Pic3 24SEP77: TOP GUN Skyhawk BuNo 149656, #2, assigned to LCDR Jerry "Ski" Sawatzky parked on the ramp. Photo from G.B. Rhodes. 24SEP77: TOP GUN Skyhawk BuNo 149656, #554, assigned to LT "Preacher" Pace parked on the ramp. Photo from G.B. Rhodes. 15OCT77: 15 oct 1977 TOP GUN Skyhawk BuNo 150023, #556, assigned to LT Hundell parked on the ramp. Gary Verver Collection. OCT78: "TOP GUN" (NFWS) A-4E BuNo 149656, #54, dated October 1978. Photo by P. Huston, G. Verver collection. 08NOV79: China Lake Skyhawk BuNo 152101, TOP GUN BuNo 150044, #555, China Lake BuNo 154172 & China Lake BuNo 153677 parked on the Hot Line. Navy Photo from Gary Verver. AUG 1980: TOP GUN Skyhawk BuNo 149656, #554, assigned to LT "Woody" Foerster parked on the ramp painted in a blue/gray camouflage scheme. Rob Mignard. 04 Oct 1980 BuNo 149656, #554, parked on the ramp. Gary Verver Collection. 07/15/92 to 05/23/94: BuNo 155115 TA-4J NFWS 60 in her chocks. Gary Verver Collection. 07JAN81: "TOP GUN" (NFWS) A-4E BuNo 149969, #53, USNFWS Nellis, dated 7 January 1981. Photo by K. Svendsen, G. Verver collection. 30 JAN 1981: Top Gun Echo landing at Miramar. 15AUG82: Heavy fog covers the flight-line as Navy Fighter Weapons School Skyhawk BuNo 150023, #56, is prepared for an early morning mission. US Navy Photo by JOC K. Harrison. NFWS 15 AUG 1982: Unknown NFWS Skyhawk on approach. Side number is 55. Top Gun A-4E Skyhawk adversary aircraft BuNo 150044, #55, painted to simulate Soviet-bloc air force camouflage, lands at NAS Miramar after a training mission, 15 August 1982. Photo from JOC K. Harrison. Date unknown: NFWS F-5 and A-4 in formation. From Gary Verver. TOP GUN Skyhawk BuNo.151033, #52, on the flight line. U.S. Navy photo by Lt. Baranek. BuNo 151033, NFWS 55 on the flight-ling tied down. Gary Verver Collection. 15 AUG 1982: Flight line fogged over for NFWS. Official Navy, from Gary Verver. SEPT 1983: BuNo 152101, here identified as a NA-4F, serving with NFWS at NAS Miramar. Stephen Miller. 1983: TOP GUN Skyhawk BuNo 149969 , #553, assigned to LT "Sundance" Davis parked on the ramp. Unknown Photographer via W. Mutza. SEP84: A-4F BuNo. 152101 side number 53, from Naval Fighter Weapons School (TOP GUN) on NFWS' ramp at Naval Air Station Miramar, near San Diego, California, in September 1984. From a photograph by Mike Shapiro. SEP84: TA-4J BuNo. 154327 - September 1984 TA-4J BuNo. 154327 from VF-45, while it was deployed to Naval Fighter Weapons School (TOP GUN) on the ramp at Naval Air Station Miramar, near San Diego, California, in September 1984. From a photograph by Mike Shapiro. Circa 1985: BuNo 151095, NFWS-55, in formation with VF-126 NJj-635. From Phil Thompson. 1992-94: A-4M of NFWS. Photo from J.D. Stewart. 15 OCT 1985: Top Gun A-4E BuNo 151095, NFWS-55, 19 OCT 1985 at NAS Miramar. Name below the canopy is LT Hendricks. Photo by B. Trombecky, Verver Collection. 09 MAR 1987: Top Gun A-4E BuNo 149656, NFWS-54, 09 MAR 1987 at NAS Miramar. Photo by B. Trombecky, Gary Verver Collection. 10OCT87: TOP GUN Skyhawk BuNo 149656, #554, parked on the ramp painted in a green/brown camouflage scheme. Jim Burridge. Late 80s: Unknown NFWS Skyhawk, side number 14 at NAS Miramar. 1987: Unknown NFWS Skyhawks, side numbers 21 and 23. MCAS Yuma. 1989: Unknown NFWS Skyhawk, side number 50 at MCAS Yuma. From Texomajack. 1987: BuNo 149556, A-4E, NFWS #54 parked. Gary Verver Collection. 01 Jan 1988: A plane captain climbs down the access ladder after assisting an instructor at the Navy Fighter Weapons School, also known as "Top Gun," into the cockpit of his A-4 Skyhawk aircraft (VF-126 TA-4J, BuNo unknown, NJ-611). Photo by Flynn, from Gary Verver. JUN 1988: Top Gun Skyhawk BuNo 152081, #57, and BuNo 150023, #556, parked on the ramp. Dr. C.A. "Sketch" Eddy. BuNo 152081, NFWS 57, on the ramp. Gary Verver. Circa 1989: BuNo 155000, NFWS 50, on the ramp. 1989-1992: BuNo 155000, NFWS 50 parked on the ramp. BuNo 155000, NFWS-50, A-4F parked on the ramp. Pic2. Gary Verver Collection. 11 JAN 1989: A-4E Skyhawk BuNo 150023, NFWS-56, in flight with a F-16N Viper NFWS-41 near NAS Miramar, CA. Lt. Don Eisenhart is the pilot of the A-4E while the F-16N's pilot is LCdr. George Dom. R.L. Lawson collection. JUL89: TOP GUN Skyhawk BuNo 149656, #554, parked on the ramp at Nellis AFB painted in an all-dark green scheme. Rob Mignard. JUL89: JUL 1989: Top Gun Skyhawk BuNo 154209, #51, parked on the ramp and painted in a tan/brown/green camouflage scheme. Rob Mignard. 1989-92: TOP GUN Skyhawk BuNo 155000, #50, parked on the Nellis flight-line. Name below the canopy rail is Capt. Bob "Whaler" Walsh. Rob Mignard. 01MAR90: 01 Mar 1990 BuNo 149656, #554, still in TOP GUN markings on display at the United States Naval Aviation Museum at NAS Pensacola. U.S. Navy photo by Jim Bryant. 14APR90:right side view of Top Gun A-4F Skyhawk BuNo 155030, #53, on the ramp at Williams AFB painted in an overall lo-vis gray scheme. Name below canopy is LT Greg Hansen, call sign reads either "Hoser" or "Noser". Photo by B. R. Baker. 1990: BuNo 155027-A-4F NFWS 52 tied up by the hangar. Gary Verver Collection. 1991: BuNo 151059, A-4E, NFWS 32 parked on the ramp. Gary Verver Collection. BuNo 151059, A-4E, NFWS 32 getting ready to taxi. Gary Verver Collection. BuNo 151059, A-4E, NFWS 32 cockpit open. Gary Verver Collection. 01JAN91: Four TOP GUN adversary aircraft from NAS Miramar, CA. Shown (L-R) is a USMC Skyhawk BuNo 155027, #52, a USN Skyhawk BuNo 155000, #50, a USN F-16N Fighting Falcon, and a USMC F-16N Fighting Falcon. U.S. Navy Photo. 15JUN91: VF-126 TOP GUN A-4F BuNo 155000, #50, 15 June 1991, Miramar. Photo by Scott VanAken. OCT91: TOP GUN Skyhawk BuNo 151059, #32, in two tone brown camouflage with gray slats - Oct. 1991. Gary Verver Collection. 23 DEC 1991: Top Gun A-4F BuNo 154172, NFWS-54, 23 DEC 1991 ay NAS Miramar. Name below the canopy is LT Jim "Grits" Grimson. B. Trombecky photo, from Gary Verver Collection. 21 APR 1992: Top Gun A-4F BuNo 155030, NFWS-51, 21 APR 1992 at NAS-Miramar. P/C name on the nose gear door is AN Valenzuela, name below the canopy is CAPT Cletus "Clete" Norris. Photo from W. Munzenmaier, Verver Collection. 21APR92: TOP GUN Skyhawk BuNo 152080, #62, painted a mottled green/brown camouflage scheme at NAS Miramar. W. Munzenmaier. Probably BuNo 152080 as #56. Gary Verver Collection. Date unknown: BuNo 152080, #56, parked on the ramp and tied down. Gary Verver Collection. BuNo 153678, NFWS 10, on the ramp. 21APR92: TOP GUN Skyhawk BuNo 154172, #54, assigned to LT Bill "Hack" McMasters parked on the Miramar line and painted in a green/gray camouflage scheme. W. Munzenmaier. BuNo 154172, NFWS 54, A-4F parked with intakes screens installed. Gary Verver Collection. BuNo 154172, NFWS 54, A-4F parked in front of the hangar. Gary Verver Collection. Date unknown: BuNo 154172-NFWS 54, A-4F, parked with canopy open. Gary Verver Collection. 21 APR 1992: TOP GUN Skyhawk BuNo 154173, #53, assigned to LT Dave "Shooter" Vanderschoot. Plane Captain is AN Campbell. W. Munzenmaier. BuNo 154173, $53, chocked only on the ramp. Gary Verver Collection. BuNo 154173, NFWS 53, on the ramp. 21APR92: TOP GUN Skyhawk BuNo 154209, #56, assigned to LT Tom "Trim" Downing parked on the ramp. W. Munzenmaier. 21APR92: TOP GUN Skyhawk BuNo 154970, #55, assigned to LT John "Rooster" Clagett parked on the ramp. Plane Captain is AEAN Shaw. W. Munzenmaier. 21APR92: TOP GUN Skyhawk BuNo 155027, #52, as the gear comes up after take-off. Assigned pilot is LT "Willie" Williams. Plane Captain is LCPL Harman. W. Munzenmaier. 21 APR 1992: BuNo 154172 at NAS Miramar. W. Munzenmaier. 21 APR 1992: NAS Miramar BuNo 154173 with NWFS. Name under the canopy is LT Dave Vaxbehschoot "Shooter", and the PC is AN Campbell from Colorado Springs CO. W. Munzenmaier. 21APR92: Top Gun TA-4F Skyhawk BuNo 152877 , NFWS 60, in a state of dis-repair on the ramp at NAS Miramar after it was SOC in 4Q 1991. Werner Munzenmaier. 21APR 1992: Right rear view of "TOP GUN" Skyhawk BuNo 154987 parked on the ramp. W. Munzenmaier. 02MAY92: VF-126 TOP GUN A-4F BuNo 154209, #56, 02 May 1992, Miramar. Photo by Scott VanAken. 01MAY92: TOP GUN Skyhawk BuNo 155000, #50, parked on the Nellis AFB ramp in a brown/tan camouflage scheme. Right side view of Top Gun A-4F Skyhawk BuNo 155000, #50, on the ramp in a brown/tan camouflage scheme next to Top Gun A-4E BuNo 150030,#51, Nellis AFB, 01 May 1992. The name below the canopy is LT Dave "Shooter" Vanderschoot. U.S. Navy photo by LCDR Dave Parsons. 01MAY92: TOP GUN Skyhawk BuNo 155000, #50, parked on the ramp in a brown/tan camouflage scheme at Nellis AFB, 01 May 1992. Name below the canopy is LT Dave "Shooter" Vanderschoot.. U.S. Navy photo by LCDR Dave Parsons. 27AUG92: 27 Aug 1992 TOP GUN Skyhawk BuNo 160045 in formation with a TOP GUN F-16 Falcon. Ted Paskowski, G. Verver collection. 05DEC92: A-4M BuNo 158171 TOP GUN #51, NAS Miramar, December 5, 1992. Photo by Scott VanAken. BuNo 158171 A-4M NFWS 51 on the ramp with a driver doing a tour; second photo of #51. Gary Verver Collection. 03NOV94: BuNo.150023 Nov 1994. Official U.S. Navy by LT Baranek. BuNo 149656, #554, on the ramp in a blue/gray camouflage scheme assigned to LT "Woody" Foerster. Gary Verver Collection. BuNo 149656, #554, on the ramp in a blue/gray camouflage scheme. Gary Verver Collection. BuNo 150023, #556, parked on the ramp in a brown/tan camouflage scheme. Gary Verver Collection. BuNo 150044, #555, parked on the ramp in a mottled green camouflage scheme. Gary Verver Collection. TOP GUN Skyhawk BuNo 160045, #50, on final for touchdown. J.D. Stewart. Date unknown: Top Gun BuNo 149656 at Miramar, pilots name on a/c is LCDR Martin (cant make out the callsign). Photographer unknown, from G. Verver. Date unknown: Top Gun 160045. Name below the canopy is CAPT Arrett, call sign Badger. From Werner Munzenmaier. Date unknown: BuNo 160045 parked in front of the hangar. Gary Verver Collection. Date unknown: NFWS BuNo 160045, side-number 50, with gear down. Photo from JD Stewart. Date unknown: Top Gun A-4M BuNo 158417, #54, date unknown. Photo by J.D. Stewart from Verver collection. 1995: BuNo 159475, NFWS A-4M retired to AMARC. Gary Verver Collection 12 MAR 1998: Top Gun A-4E BuNo 151095, NFWS-55, 12 MAR 1988 at Miramar. Name below canopy is CDR Gaylor. Skyhawk at right is BuNo 150023. Photo by B. Trombecky from G. Verver Collection. 07 MAY 1994: Top Gun A-4M BuNo 159475, #56, 07 MAY 1994 at Miramar. Photo by C. Kaston from Verver collection. 18OCT02: TOP GUN Skyhawk BuNo 154204, #52, parked on the ramp. W. Munzenmaier. . Off-Duty Photos No info yet. |
A-4 Skyhawk aircraft assigned to this unit: