Winter Journal Download

Winter 2024-2025 A-4Ever Digital Journal

1. This is the last issue of the Journal produced with Dave Dollarhide as Editor.  He will be missed, yet he is leaving his legacy in the great hands of Mat "Irish" Garretson. They, along with Stepanie, have again produced an excellent digital Journal. Thank you!

2. Some of you may see the previous Journal cover page because of your magic computers storing images to reduce download times.  Clicking on the photo below will download the correct file to your computer.

3. Each time you click on the photo below, you may be asked where you would like the download to be saved on YOUR computer or it may download without asking you where you would like it to go depending on your browser settings. 6 clicks = 6 copies hidden somewhere on your computer.

4. Signed in members can click here to go to the Journal Archives to view two different pdf files of each past issue, beginning with issue 28-4. One is called "Print Friendly," that allows for single page viewing and printing to improve readability and the other is the traditional "Spreads" layout, to view side by side pages on your computer, best for pictures that span more than one page.

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